Thursday, January 14, 2010
Sabian Symbols in Action: A Profile of Barack Obama
Most people know what the Sabian Symbols are – a trance revelation channeled by Elsie Wheeler, an early twentieth century spiritualist and clairvoyant, during one remarkable eight hour period at Balboa Park in San Diego, and recorded with the help of astrologer Marc Edmund Jones. Yet it still seems I get a lot of questions like, “What does this mean for me?” or “How DO you use them, anyway?”
One of the easiest ways to use the symbols is to match them up with the degrees of the planets for a given birthday, and use them to develop a profile. This turns out to be another way of looking at the natal chart – it gives you a “picture” of your subject that may be hinted at in the horoscope, but is often plain as day in the emerging Sabian profile. It takes a little practice at first, because some of the degree symbols are trickier to decode than others. But once you get the hang of it, you have a quick thumbnail that can be very handy in a flash – let’s say you’re dating a new love, and you have his or her birthdate from a Facebook page – check the Sabian degrees of his or her Jupiter and Saturn, and you will get quick insight into the major strength of their personality, and their most significant character flaw as well.
Let’s take a look at how this works. Each of the planets represents an important aspect of the personality in a Sabian Symbol context. Some of the planets are more useful than others, so let’s start there.
I don’t use the Moon, because I’ve never been able to figure out what it means. Experienced readers who disagree on this should feel free to post a comment. The Moon’s placement is also tricky if you don’t have an accurate birth time (see below).
I also don’t look at Pluto or Neptune, because these are generational markers. Most people born in a given year share the same Pluto degree, and when everyone on earth partakes of the same Symbol, it becomes pretty worthless from an interpretive standpoint. The same is true for Neptune – everyone born in a given year will share one of two symbols, and few of us are exceptional enough to tap the unique energy of a symbol shared by so many others.
I will look at Uranus for people who have been involved in spiritual communities of one form or another because experience tells me that the Sabian degree of Uranus is more relevant for these folks than it is for the average Joe. Uranus is a “higher level” planet relating to the collective, and many people access that “higher level” energy through spirituality, so those involved in spiritual collectives of many kinds may tap the Uranian energy of their age cohort. Dedicated members of churches, cults, covens, activist groups like PETA, or certain tight-knit political organizations with a spiritual or religious agenda should check this degree. Somebody who merely goes to church on Sunday or watches Glenn Beck on Fox News should skip it.
Sun – Tells you something fundamental about the person. It may describe their profession, or their nature. This symbol may be a strength or a challenge, depending on other factors.
Mercury – Tells you something about their ability to communicate, or what they hope to communicate with others during their time in this incarnation.
Venus – Tells you something about this individual’s style of loving, or spotlights an issue that recurs for them repeatedly in intimate relationships.
Mars – Tells you something about motivation and drive, and what the person is working toward in this lifetime. Many people don’t express this symbol distinctly, because they are “working toward it” rather than firmly manifesting it.
Jupiter – Tells you something about what comes easiest for this person, their special gift or talent. All of the Sabian Symbols have a dual energy, which means their expression ranges from positive to negative, but Jupiter almost always leans towards a positive expression.
Saturn - Tells you something about this person’s lifelong weakness or highlights an area of particular challenge. This may be a character flaw, a catastrophic personal event, or occasionally, a problem with the way the individual is perceived by their peers or by the public. A few rare lucky people will actualize Saturn as a strength, but most of us must face up to the negative expression of this symbol.
One of the nice things about doing a Sabian profile is that the time of birth is relatively unimportant – this is another reason why I don’t use the degree of the Moon, which moves up to eight degrees a day. Unless you are very certain of the birth time, the degree of the Moon on a public figure or celebrity can be more confusing than it’s worth. Mercury also moves quickly enough so that it can change degrees depending on the time of day on a given birth date. If you aren’t certain of your subject’s birth time, you may need to try out a couple of degrees for Mercury, and find the best fit.
This astrological technique works even without a confirmed location of birth, which is important if your subject was born to nomads on a moving camel in the middle of the Sahara, or if his place of birth is called into question by naysayers looking for a technicality that could deny him the Presidency.
Barack Obama was born on August 4, 1961. His Sun is at 12 degrees Leo, and the relevant symbol is “An Evening Garden Party of Adults”. This symbol is his foundation symbol, since the Sun was on this degree at the time of his birth. “An Evening Garden Party” is all about networking, getting to meet new people, develop new ideas, and “bringing new depths to relationships and community”, according to Lynda Hill, one of my favorite Aussie astrologers. It so happens that Barack Obama started out as a “community organizer”, a term which means different things to people who support or oppose him politically, so this degree is a very close “fit” for who he was at the beginning of his career.
Lynda Hill puts an emphasis on progressing the Sun, which means looking at the degree that follows the birth symbol. Obama’s Sun progresses to Leo 13, “An Old Sea Captain Rocking on the Porch of His Cottage”. One of the keywords which Hill suggests for this symbol is memoirs. The old sea captain is looking back over his life, and figuring out how he fits into the big picture, perhaps by jotting down his memoirs. It is striking how literal a depiction this is of Obama, who first came to national public attention for publishing two memoirs that aimed to explain to people why a black man would seek the Presidency.
Obama’s Mercury is Leo 2, “An Epidemic of Mumps”. This symbol talks about something racing through a population, or raging through a chain of friends, like an epidemic that is spreading farther and farther afield. Obama was able to harness the power of this symbol very shrewdly in terms of using the Internet during his campaign to further his “message”, or the ideas he wanted most to convey to his public. Obama was very lucky to get his Mercury on a Sabian degree associated with rapid-fire communication – the word-of-mouth on his books and his Internet presence are what cinched the Presidency, in large part.
His Venus is on 1 Cancer, “On a Ship Sailors Lower An Old Flag and Raise A New One”. This symbol talks about a changing of the guard. It talks about making really big changes in one’s personal life, and about taking a public stand about one’s change in loyalties (literally raising the flag and letting everyone know).
My interpretation of the meaning is speculative – I am not privy to Obama’s private life. But I suspect this has something to do with leaving the white grandparents who raised him behind, and embracing a black identity in college and in law school, as well as his decision to marry an African-American woman.
His Mars is on 22 Virgo, “A Royal Coat of Arms Enriched With Precious Stones”. This symbol is all about becoming a king, and joining the elite. Its about getting aristocratic status, an Ivy League education, and wealth no matter what your origins were. Although many of us don’t manage to access the full scope of power inherent in our Mars symbol, Obama did.
The downside to this symbol is class consciousness, elite school snobbery, and having “servants” who do everything. Interestingly, Obama’s wife, Michelle, has taken more public flak for this than the President has. Her own horoscope shows a very strong drive to become a member of the American black elite, but her Sabian profile shows greater challenges with handling the public’s perception of her ambition.
His Jupiter is on 0 Aquarius, which is read as 30 Capricorn in Lynda Hill’s wonderful book, 360 Degrees of Wisdom. The symbol is “Directors of a Large Firm Meet in Secret Conference”.
This was the very first symbol that I checked for Obama when I was looking at his candidacy, and chills went through my spine when I saw it, because it is a fairly sinister symbol. This symbol is all about deliberately withholding information in order to maintain power by secrecy, and about the ability to make successful backroom deals.
It is a strong symbol for Obama, and we have seen it in action when it came to getting an extremely overdue health care package for the American people. Obama managed to “buy off” the AMA and the pharmaceutical bad boys, which left only the insurance industry as a huge obstacle. He also had the sense to move fast in his first term – witness the power of his Mercury degree in synergy with this degree. He will almost certainly use the power of this symbol to as much damage-control as he can on the upcoming Republican backlash to his policies.
His Saturn is on 25 Capricorn, “An Oriental Rug Dealer in a Store Filled With Precious Ornamental Rugs”. A rug merchant is a canny dealer, who always gets the best deal for himself. People can and do react negatively to the “used car salesman” quality of this symbol, but a rug merchant knows how to think on his feet. Republicans have felt the energy of Obama’s Saturn strongly – nearly every editorial about Obama in Republican newspapers I have read focuses on this theme.
His symbols are strongly grounded in material ambition – there are no overtly spiritual or otherworldly symbols in his profile, except perhaps for the final progressed symbol for his Sun, a symbol I did not address earlier. This final symbol is Leo 14, “Cherub-Like, A Human Soul Whispers Into Every Receptive Ear, Seeking to Manifest”. Obama will mesh strongly with the energy of this symbol as he grows older. Expect to see it once he has retired from the Presidency.
Obama’s symbols mesh well together. The foundation symbol of his
Sun, Leo 12, “An Evening Garden Party of Adults” is reinforced by the Jupiter symbol, Capricorn 30, “Directors of a Large Firm Meet in Secret Conference”. Both represent adroit communicators. These two symbols get a boost from a powerful third symbol with similar associations, his Mercury at Leo 2, “An Epidemic of Mumps”, effectively giving him a triple whammy, which likely confers an advantage in terms of professional success.
If you don’t know the person well, but have a birth date, checking out the degrees of their Jupiter and Saturn can give you some quick, useful insight. Let’s say you have a passion for astrology, but start dating someone who has a Saturn symbol on Pisces 28, “A Fertile Garden Under a Full Moon”. This degree is all about New Age beliefs symbolized by the “Full Moon”. It can also refer to gardening, earth conservation, and vegetarianism symbolized by the “Garden”. Unless this person has a highly spiritual Jupiter symbol, he or she isn’t going to be such a great match, and if you see it quickly, it can help you to detach graciously.
Another thing I have noticed is that gender matters on the foundation symbol of the Sun, in some cases. If the symbol references a woman, for example, it will often affect women who have their natal Sun on this degree more strongly than it will affect men. A woman with her foundation symbol on 24 Capricorn, “A Woman Entering a Convent”, is going to be more introverted and more likely to withdraw from society than a man with a foundation symbol on the same degree.
When working with adolescents and young adults, keep in mind that the Sabian symbols for their Jupiter and Saturn may not be immediately apparent to you or to them, in some cases. These symbols become more obvious over time, and by the time a young person has reached his or her mid-twenties, you will usually be able to interpret the symbols in a personal context. In my experience, Saturn is the hardest to interpret for a young person, because Saturn is associated with age. With some children, though, all the symbols seem to show up early.
The foundation symbol of the Sun, and the degrees for Mercury and Venus will be apparent from the time the child is young, and adolescents normally relate well to interpretation of these degrees. The degree of the progressed Sun often does not show up until the native is in his or her mid-thirties, and the degree of the final progressed Sun typically only reveals itself in late middle-age.
If this article has given you a better understanding of the Sabian Symbols and how they can be used to develop a natal profile, I would totally appreciate feedback in the form of your comments.
Lynda Hill.360 Degrees of Wisdom: Charting Your Destiny With the Sabian Oracle, Penguin Group, 2004.
Monday, January 4, 2010
The Real Meaning of Immortality
Ode to Immortality
William Wordsworth
Our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting:
The soul that rises with us, our life’s star,
Hath had elsewhere its setting,
And cometh from afar;
Not in entire forgetfulness,
And not in utter nakedness
But trailing clouds of glory do we come
From God who is our home
Heaven lies about us in our infancy,
Shades of the prison-house begin to close
Upon the growing boy
But he beholds the light and whence it flows
He sees in its joy;
The youth, who daily farther from the east
Must travel, still is Nature's priest
And by the vision splendid
Is on his way attended;
At length the man perceives it die away,
And fade into the common light of day.
Whether or not Wordsworth intended it, this poem lends itself to astrological interpretation. It seems to suggest that fate is determined in the 12th house, also known as the prison-house, before birth. That house closes in early childhood, but an imaginative child may still perceive it. The youth who travels “daily farther from the east” suggests a progression away from the Ascendant, which is established at birth, and sets fate into motion. The “vision splendid” is the promise of early adulthood that is delineated in a western horoscope, and also in the Vedic rasi and navamsa, or marriage chart. The idea that many people have lived out much of the fate by the onset of middle age (early forties) is expressed in the two final lines – at length, the events dictated by fate are used up as a less predetermined energy, or “common light” influenced by the karma of actions in this life, becomes more important.
William Wordsworth
Our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting:
The soul that rises with us, our life’s star,
Hath had elsewhere its setting,
And cometh from afar;
Not in entire forgetfulness,
And not in utter nakedness
But trailing clouds of glory do we come
From God who is our home
Heaven lies about us in our infancy,
Shades of the prison-house begin to close
Upon the growing boy
But he beholds the light and whence it flows
He sees in its joy;
The youth, who daily farther from the east
Must travel, still is Nature's priest
And by the vision splendid
Is on his way attended;
At length the man perceives it die away,
And fade into the common light of day.
Whether or not Wordsworth intended it, this poem lends itself to astrological interpretation. It seems to suggest that fate is determined in the 12th house, also known as the prison-house, before birth. That house closes in early childhood, but an imaginative child may still perceive it. The youth who travels “daily farther from the east” suggests a progression away from the Ascendant, which is established at birth, and sets fate into motion. The “vision splendid” is the promise of early adulthood that is delineated in a western horoscope, and also in the Vedic rasi and navamsa, or marriage chart. The idea that many people have lived out much of the fate by the onset of middle age (early forties) is expressed in the two final lines – at length, the events dictated by fate are used up as a less predetermined energy, or “common light” influenced by the karma of actions in this life, becomes more important.
Wedding Dates Made Simple - No Astrology Smarts Necessary!
Try choosing a wedding date astrologically, and you quickly find out how convoluted and variable-ridden astrology can be. You’re supposed to consider the Moon’s position, and maybe you should be checking transits on your composite chart, or an evil eclipse may spike its heel in an otherwise perfect date. Love and marriage is supposed to go together like a horse and carriage, you might be thinking, so what is all this?
Or you could just throw out everything you’ve ever read or heard about finding the “right” date, and get the most accessible book on Sabian symbols, which is probably Lynda Hill’s 360 Degrees of Wisdom. Pick a date that feels right to you, and enter that date onto any free Internet website (try typing “free birth chart” in Google) to get the degree of the Sun for that date. Then look at the Sabian symbol for that degree. If it feels like this symbol embodies everything leading up to your marriage, this is the right date.
Don’t shy away from a date with a Sabian symbol that appears negative at first glance. Be honest with yourselves – this may accurately describe the background events in the air during the months preceding your wedding. At least one partner should have an “a-ha” moment with regard to the symbol, and it will frequently resonate for both of you. Voila! The simplest and easiest way to pick a wedding date.
Then take a look at the following two degrees – this represents events or qualities that will take shape in the month or months after the wedding. Here you can pick and choose a little, for some futures will undoubtedly seem more attractive than others, but you should still select a foundation date that matches your circumstances most closely. The point of getting married is to be true to yourselves. On occasion, the subsequent degrees may carry some obvious hints for the correct foundation degree. If the second image is describing the Tulieries Garden, and you have already planned a honeymoon in Paris, pay attention.
Here are a couple of true-life examples to get you started. One of my friends selected a wedding date that corresponded with Gemini 6. As soon as I read her the Sabian symbol and interpreted the “fit”, she recognized her own situation instantly. Gemini 6 (Workmen Drilling For Oil) is about the drive to plumb the depths in order to come up with a reward. All of the Sabian symbols have dual energy, something that is also true of planets, asteroids, numbers, you name it. The dark side of this symbol is immediately obvious. It speaks of gold-digging, and making a fortune through the resources of others. She was marrying a wealthy older man. In the months leading up to the wedding, it didn’t matter how the couple perceived themselves. The point was that so many people around her perceived the gold-digging appearance of her marriage.
But the subsequent degrees held out a lot of hope. The next image, Gemini 7 (An Old-Fashioned Well with the Purest and Coldest of Waters) speaks of drawing on deep and sustaining resources, and links to the past. It infers an old-fashioned marriage that both partners might see as a refreshing oasis - a tall, cool glass of something rejuvenating. The last image, Gemini 8 (Strikers Surrounding A Factory), suggests what they would learn from the marriage - negotiation and plenty of give-and-take.
And this is, in fact, what happened. They’re both strong communicators who take turns being a “striker” or being “management”, shoring up wisdom as they seek common ground. Now this friend offers ME relationship advice.
Sometimes the Sabian symbols will be more apparent to a couple’s friends or family, even if the couple doesn’t perceive the “fit”. Married folks who are reading this article and looking up their date only to think, “This sure wasn’t us,” ought to get a second opinion from the “mom-law” or close friend. In my own experience, one former friend who was getting married had Sagittarius 22 (A Chinese Laundry) as the next symbol after her foundation symbol. Sure enough, she cleaned house and cleared out all her friends who weren’t “good enough” once she was married, a tactic that hurt her former Musketeers more than she would ever know or care.
If you’re picking a date, keep in mind that it is rare to find three consecutive Sabian images whose positive connotations will seem immediately apparent. If two of them seem positive and relevant, that’s a good sign. The last one may be a little secret for after the wedding (why get married if there are no surprises?). Also remember that you will likely deal with the positives and negatives of all three symbols. Life is like that. It’s why the traditional marriage vow is “for better or for worse”.