This horoscope does not have a known time of birth. It belongs to a man who arguably has become the most well-known member of my graduating class of Walt Whitman High School Class of 1988. He is now a comedian and performance artist who lives in LA and goes by the name of Bad Ass Frank.
Here is a link to his website:
Be sure to read some of his articles, which are wonderfully funny. Frank is no feminist. In fact, he is currently "channeling" Pluto in Capricorn to the core, and has a beautiful "Persephone" named Lisa Marie to prove it. According to Frank, she is 17 years younger than he is. He appears very devoted to Lisa, just as Hades was devoted to Persephone.
Frank wrote a book called "Pimpin' Aint Easy", which is available on the website. Most pimps are too busy dominating their girls to be funny, but Frank made plenty of money with one foot planted in a seamy subculture, and the other foot in more respectable mainstream media. I learned a lot about porn from reading this book. I also noticed how much writing craft goes into making porn into literature...it takes more mental effort and careful editing than one might assume.
Originally, I posted this "Mystery Horoscope" on the forum at www.skyscript.co.uk, Deborah Houlding's website. Readers there had little interest in a horoscope with no birth time, and lost no time in telling me so. However, my description of the native and the resulting comments is interesting reading, if I may toot my own horn a little.
Look for the "Mystery Horoscope" thread under "Nativities and General Astrology" in the forum at www.skyscript.co.uk
By the way, Bad Ass doesn't like astrology or astrologers, and loses no opportunity when it comes to mocking us or having fun at our expense. So I'm sure he won't mind seeing himself on a blog like this. If he doesn't sue me, he'll find a way to roast me.